KU to Celebrate World GIS Day 2018
Geomatics Engineering Society(GES) is planning to celebrate World Gis Day 2018 with the slogan ‘Discover the world through GIS’ on November 21 in the Kathmandu University Central Campus Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal.
Following events are to be performed on the day:
1. Geospatial project demonstration
2. Formal talks and presentation by National level experts
3. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Image capture Demonstration
4. Annual magazine launch, GeoSpace
5. Treasure hunt and games
6. Geospatial tools and product stalls
7. Different map related competition
8.PUBG Competition and Data Insight Hackathon ( As pre-event on 20th November )
Date: November 21, 2018
Venue: Kathmandu University Central Campus Dhulikhel, Kavre
Tell something about GIS and know something about it. They are providing the platform for the awareness and information about the GIS.
For more information check the event page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/267510347214630/