RoboWarz Being Organized at Thapathali Campus Premises
As a part of JIGYASA – Imagine, Invent, Inspire (Vol. 1), RoboWars is being organized on Thapathali Campus premises at 18 & 19 Magh, 2075.
The date for RoboWarz: 18th-19thMagh
Venue: Thapathali Campus premises, Thapathali, Kathmandu
Time: 11 am onwards
Application deadline: 15thMagh (within office hours)
Design and construct a remote-controlled robot capable of fighting a tournament against another robot.
The Prizes will be as follows:
- 1st Prize – NRS 50,000
- 2nd Prize – NRS 20,000
Registration Fee: NRS 4000 only.
- There will be no restrictions on the dimensions of the bot.
- The weight of the machine should not exceed 15kg. All batteries should be on board. The weight of remote controller will not be counted.
- A bot can be in a “Cluster Bot” formation. Each bot must meet the requirements described in this problem statement. The total weight of all the bots cannot cross the limits in the above point.
- Robots operating on pneumatic or hydraulic mechanisms are not allowed.
- Only active weapon bots are allowed.
Robot Control Requirements:
- The robot must be controlled only through a wireless remote, while all power supply must be on board.
- Remote control systems from toys may be used. Remote control systems available in the market may also be used.
- The team should pair up the wireless remote with the machine before putting it into the arena. No extra time will be provided for this once the machines are put inside the arena, and not connecting the remote with the machine prior to that may attract a penalty on the team.
Weapon Systems:
- Robots can have any kind of magnetic weapons, cutters, flippers, saws, lifting devices, spinning hammers etc. (if they qualify the criteria mentioned below) as weapons.
Following weapons cannot be used:
- Liquid projectiles (Foam, liquefied gases)
- Any kinds of inflammable liquids
- Weapons causing invisible damage (Electrical weapons, RF jamming weapons and others) .
- Spinning weapons must come to a full stop within 60 seconds of the power being removed using a self-contained braking system.
- Only active weapon bots are allowed (sumo bots are not allowed).
Battery and Power:
- The machine must be powered electrically.
- On board batteries must be sealed, immobilized-electrolyte types (such as gel cells, lithium, NiCad, NiMH, or dry cells).
- The electric voltage between any 2 points on the machine should not exceed 24V DC at any point of time.
- Change of battery will not be allowed during the match.
- Only bots with on board batteries will be allowed.
- The supply from the battery to power systems should qualify the following failsafes:
- A manual disconnect (switch) that can be turned off without harming the person doing it, i.e. No body parts or weapons should come in the way of the switch.
- The teams are suggested to have at least one extra battery ready and charged up during competition so that on advancing to the next level, they won’t have to wait or suffer due to uncharged battery.
Team Specifications:
- Any team can participate in Robowar. A team may consist of a maximum of 4 participants. These participants can be from the same or different institutes.
- Team Name: Every team must have a unique name. Organizers reserve the right to reject entries from any team whose name it deems inappropriate, offensive or conflicting. Organizers must be notified if a team’s name has been changed.
- Team Representative: Each team must specify their team representative (leader) at the time of registration.
- Only one person is allowed to operate the bot throughout the competition and should be notified to the organizers before the competition starts.
Match Duration & Type:
Matches will consist of 3 minutes of active fight time exclusive of any time-outs. Hence, it is not binding but advisable to keep battery capacity, power usage and machine defenses such that they can sustain a 3- minute fight.
The matches can be of the following types:
- Match: A regular 1-on-1 combat between 2 robots.
- Rumble: A combat between more than 2 robots simultaneously
Match Frequency:
A team is allowed to prepare for the next match for a period of 5 minutes. This time is calculated from the time the robot leaves the post-match staging area of its previous match. If the team fails to return with the robot ready to the pre-match staging area when called after the allotted time, the team may be forced to forfeit. It is recommended that any routine maintenance (i.e. battery charging) should be capable of being performed well within this time period, or backup should be kept. In extreme cases the 30-minute time period may be lengthened at the discretion of the event organizers.
Criteria for victory:
- A robot is declared victorious if its opponent is immobilized.
- A robot will be declared immobile if it cannot display linear motion of at least one inch in a timed period of 10 seconds. A bot with one side of its drivetrain disabled will not be counted out if it can demonstrate some degree of controlled movement. In case both the robots remain mobile after the end of the round, the winner will be decided subjectively.
- A robot that is deemed unsafe by the judges after the match has begun will be disqualified and therefore, declared the loser. The match will be immediately halted and the opponent will be awarded a win.
- If a robot is thrown out of the arena the match will be stopped immediately, and the robot inside the arena will automatically be declared as the winner.
- Points will be given on the basis of aggression, damage, control and strategy.
- Aggression: Aggression is judged by the frequency, severity, boldness and effectiveness of attacks deliberately initiated by the robot against its opponent. If a robot appears to have accidentally attacked an opponent, that act will not be considered when judging for aggression.
- Control: Control is judged in terms of the ability to attack an opponent at its weakest point in the most effective way, and minimizing the damage caused by the opponent.
- Damage: Through deliberate action, a robot either directly or indirectly reduces the functionality, effectiveness or defensibility of an opponent.
Damage is not considered relevant if a robot inadvertently harms itself.
- Strategy: The robot exhibits a combat plan that exploits the robot’s strengths against the weaknesses of its opponent. Strategy is also defined as a robot exhibiting a deliberate defense plan that guards its weaknesses against the strengths of the opponent.
- Style: Entry style and style after winning also be judged.
NOTE: Qualification of a robot to the next level is subjective and totally on the decision of the judges. If the judges found the winner robot incompetent to enter into the next round, it may get disqualified. All the decisions taken by the judge will be final and binding to all. Any queries afterwards will not be entertained.
Certificate Policy:
- Certificate of Excellence will be given to all the winners.
- Certificates of Participation will be given to all the TEAMS.
- The teams which be disqualified if found disobeying any of the competition rules and will not be considered for the certificate.
- An award for best design and best performance will also be provided.
These rules may change any time, even without explicit notification to teams. However, the document uploaded here is to be followed as the latest problem statement for all the rules and design specifications.
In case of any queries, participants are encouraged to contact the program coordinator.
Kapalik Khanal
Program Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Contact Number: 9860364927