Spirologics Announces Spirathon and AI Workshops

Spirathon is an annual appathon where a team consisting of a maximum of 3 members will need to turn the raw idea they have into a real-life computer application. The team can build their application in any computer language and platform. Spiralogics as well as other high profiled software companies will be providing mentorship to each of the team. Professionals from the top IT companies and non-government organisations will be judging the event and choosing the winners.
Spirathon 2019
This year’s theme is AI for Impact. Besides the appathon, they will also be inviting keynote speakers and conducting workshops during the pre-events.
They will be selecting teams from different technical, engineering and IT colleges to compete with each other for the winning title. Each team will be assigned a mentor 2-weeks prior to the main event. They will present their application and give a demo in the finale. Each team will be scored on different criteria by the judges.
You can find the registration form which you need to fill up after signing up for the event. Each team will need to submit their team name, team members name, project title, 1-2 min short intro video about the project/app, project overview, associated institution/ college, member’s email and phone number.
You will need to register your team through our online registration form. You can find the registration form which you need to update after signing up for the event.
Click Here to Apply Now.
This year, Spiralogics is organising 5 different workshops throughout December as a pre-event leading up to its main event – Spirathon. It is a series of workshop on AI where different AI experts will facilitate the event. The workshops will be on Insights on Deep learning for Natural language Processing and Art of using Naive Bayes for Binary Classification and Spam Detection. Click here to know about the workshops.
Cash prize of Rs 20,000 + funding
internship & job opportunity at Spiralogics
trophy, gift hamper and certificates
1st runner up
Cash prize of Rs 10,000
trophy and certificates
2nd runner up
Cash prize of Rs 5,000
trophy and certificates
Know about the past Spirathon winner Team from Pulchowk Campus.